Often, a standardised approach to addiction treatment isn’t an adequate fit for some people’s needs. While traditional rehab centres often focus on basic care and group therapy, luxury rehab opt …

Overcoming substance addiction is one of the most difficult challenges a person can face, especially when unhealthy environments and inadequate support systems make recovery feel insurmountable. Tra …

The increase in Pregabalin-related deaths has created a panic among healthcare professionals, regulators, and patients about the need for tougher prescribing guidelines, awareness of its abuse pot …

Recovery from alcohol addiction is challenging. Group therapy is a powerful means of helping. The supportive and healing aspects of group therapy, in particular, ultimately enhance the recovery pr …

In this study, we will explore the importance of detox in drug rehab. This includes understanding what detox entails and exploring the varied symptoms that may manifest based on the substance invo …

In recent years, the recovery landscape has been undergoing a profound transformation. At the centre of this is the understanding that addiction is an all-encompassing illness which requires a holis …

Embarking on the journey to sobriety is a significant step, fraught with decisions and challenges. Central among these is the selection of an alcohol and drug rehab centre that aligns with your reco …

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263