Anorexia Rehab | Anorexia Treatment

Each year, we meet people from various walks of life who undergo treatment for anorexia, and then we help them restore their physical and mental health. Primrose Lodge provides an inpatient rehab treatment programme to guide you carefully toward long-term recovery; all the while, our competent and compassionate team will keep you healthy, comfortable, and safe throughout the process. If you want to learn more about our rehab for anorexia, this page will talk you through what to expect whilst recovering with us.


How does rehab for anorexia help?

Rehab for anorexia is essential for anyone battling anorexia as it takes a comprehensive approach to recovery, encompassing diet and nutrition, therapy and holistic treatments. This way, you can experience physical, mental, and emotional healing. Upon admission to rehab for anorexia, you will be medically assessed and given a bespoke recovery plan tailored to your specific needs. This will ensure you have the best possible chance of a full recovery.

Do I need to go to anorexia rehab?

It can be challenging to spot the symptoms of anorexia, and you may feel unsure about whether you (or someone you love) need treatment for anorexia. Look at the following statements. If any resonate with you, it may indicate that attending anorexia rehab is necessary.

Physical signs…

  • I no longer menstruate
  • My fingers have a bluish discolouration
  • I frequently suffer from abdominal pain and constipation
  • I often feel dehydrated
  • I experience dizziness or fainting regularly
  • I have dry or yellowish skin
  • I have noticed extreme weight loss
  • I am always tired
  • My hair is either thinning or falling out
  • I struggle to sleep properly

Behavioural symptoms…

Now look at the following statements for the behavioural signs of anorexia nervosa; again, if you identify with any of the following, it may mean you need to seek treatment.

  • I wear many layers of clothing or baggy clothes to conceal how thin I am
  • I make excuses to my loved ones about why I don’t eat
  • I tell people I am not hungry when I am
  • I exercise excessively
  • I often look at my body in the mirror
  • I often weigh myself
  • My weight dictates my emotions
  • I count calories and severely restrict my food intake
  • I use the internet for inspiration to keep losing weight
  • I often feel depressed about my weight
  • I feel good when people comment on my weight loss which spurs me to continue losing weight
  • I get anxiety after eating


Can I get treatment for anorexia on the NHS?

Where it can be managed, it’s possible to get treatment for anorexia on an outpatient basis. The NHS can provide various talking therapies that usually run once a week for nine months or so. Getting a referral from the NHS to rehab for anorexia is possible. Still, the waiting lists can be frustratingly long, with many sufferers waiting up to twelve weeks in urgent cases. Therefore, private rehab is the best course of action to take in order to recover quickly and effectively from anorexia; whether your case is routine or urgent, we can often treat you within twenty-four hours and, unlike free services, continue to stay by your side for the rest of your recovery. As soon as you know you have anorexia, it’s crucial to get anorexia symptoms treatment straight away- to avoid deteriorating further into the disease.

What anorexia treatment do we offer?

Our sister centre at Banbury Lodge is one of the few treatment centres in the United Kingdom to offer beds for 16 to 18-year-old patients who need anorexia nervosa treatment. Children need slightly different care than adults, so our sister centre has specialised staff on hand to provide anorexia treatment for teenagers. All clients will be admitted immediately, receiving ground-breaking therapies and unwavering support throughout their stay.

Talking therapies for anorexia treatment

Several counselling and therapy approaches may be used, depending on the specific case we’re dealing with. These are typically referred to as talking therapies. They include:

Talking therapies are beneficial because they help you recognise, rationalise, challenge and destroy any unrealistic behaviours or patterns of thoughts deeply rooted in your mind. In many cases, the thought patterns that eventually lead to anorexia nervosa aren’t developed suddenly. Instead, they tend to develop over the years, and therapy can help you see how and why anorexia came about. What’s more, such treatments offer alternative means of coping, so if you ever experience triggers, you are better equipped to handle them.

Nutrition and diet management

Anorexia is a chronic disease often associated with resistance to treatment and denial of illness. Therefore, one of the most challenging hurdles to overcome is engaging the client with weight normalisation and nutritional restoration.

At our facility, treatment is carefully managed by a clinical team that deeply understands the unique challenges of treating the condition. Therefore, you’ll be given a personalised dietary programme accompanied by dietary counselling throughout treatment.

Family support anorexia treatment

We recognise the crucial role your loved ones play in the recovery process and have designed a programme to get them involved in your treatment and recovery from start to finish.

Our family support programme will help you and your family make sense of your thought processes and understand how to help you on your journey to recovery. The therapy sessions will be aimed at healing the past and preparing the ground for a better, healthier future.


Benefits of rehab for anorexia treatment

Several benefits can be gained by opting for anorexia treatment in a rehabilitation facility. For one, we create a comfortable but controlled environment, so you will have people to turn to whenever you feel the need to check your weight or induce vomiting. Furthermore, you’ll be in a highly supportive atmosphere where you’ll receive encouragement and share experiences with others going through the same experiences.

You’ll be invited to attend holistic treatments such as meditation, yoga and art therapies. These can help you express yourself and access a place of inner calm. When you reach a certain level of peace, you can begin physically, emotionally and mentally rejuvenating.

Rehab for anorexia leads to significantly strong recovery rates and can help you learn the skills you need to live a long, healthy life. Rehab also helps therapeutic interventions to be more effective since you’ll be able to see your counsellors and therapists every day.

Aftercare for anorexia nervosa treatment

To ensure that the positive effects of the treatment are not short-lived, we provide follow-up care and continued support. After you are discharged from our facility, you can take advantage of this service to help you stay focused on living a healthy lifestyle and preventing relapse. Our support system will also help you overcome any stressors or triggers that may jeopardise long-lasting recovery.

Don’t delay treatment – let us help you today

A delay can be dangerous when dealing with eating disorders like anorexia. Don’t put off treatment because you’re not sure whether you or a loved one have the condition. We can help you verify via a proper diagnosis. Your best bet for recovery is to receive treatment in a rehabilitation centre where you’re guaranteed to receive holistic treatment delivered by a team of trained and experienced professionals who have been in your shoes and can offer the tools for a healthy beginning.

Frequently asked questions

How can I prevent relapse after leaving anorexia nervosa treatment?
Returning home upon completion of anorexia nervosa treatment can be a challenging transition but there are a few steps that you can take to reduce the risk of relapse. These include identifying and managing triggers, attending aftercare sessions and building a support network of people who understand your struggles with eating and can help you to stay on track. It is also important to follow the eating plan that your nutritionist has developed to help you achieve your goals.
Will anorexia nervosa treatment reverse the health damage caused by the condition?
Anorexia nervosa treatment can help to improve physical and mental health, but the earlier you seek treatment for your condition, the more likely it is that your health will improve. However, it is important to be patient with your recovery and follow the advice of your treatment team to maximise the benefits. Through commitment and hard work, undergoing treatment for anorexia nervosa can be a huge turning point in your life.